Holt County Courthouse

Sheriff's Department

107 South Main St., P.O. Box 229, Oregon, MO  64473

Sheriff Tiger Parsons



The Sheriff’s Department:

  • Holt County 911 location, dispatches law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services. 
  • Holt County Jail location, oveersees inmate care/services
  • Assists outside law enforcement agencies. 
  • Handles the serving of all civil papers in Holt County 
  • Process and issue Concealed Carry Weapons permits
  • Maintaing order and decorum in courtrooms, waiting areas and court premises. Patrolling buildings. Guarding, transporting, and isolating sequestered juries. Effecting arrests, remands, and confiscating contraband when necessary. 

Holt County Dispatches for all police, fire, and EMS services in the county.

Fire Departments:

South Holt Fire Department

Mound City Rural Fire Department

Craig Fire Department

Maitland Fire Department


Atchison-Holt Ambulance District

Holt County First Responders

Local Police Departments:

Oregon Police Department

Mound City Police Department

Outside Agencies:

Assists dispatching for Missouri State Highway Patrol, Troop H, Phone: 816-387-2345

Hours & Location:

For emergencies dial 911

Hours: 24 hours a day

Monday thru Sunday

107 S Main St

P.O. Box 229

Oregon, MO 64473

Phone: 660-822-3001 or 660-822-3002

Fax: 660-822-3005