Holt County Courthouse


The County Commission meets each Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to conduct business. They shall occasionally meet on other business days as they deem fit and necessary. When a holiday is observed on a Monday, the Commission will convene on the following Tuesday.To be placed on the Commission Agenda, please contact the County Clerk’s office at 660-446-3303.

The Commission:

  • Administers and sets policies for County government.
  • Authorizes the county operating budget & payment of bills.
  • Oversees all county roads, buildings, property, and equipment.
  • Represents the county on various boards throughout the area and state.
  • Appoints residents to numerous boards and committees.
  • Declares State of Emergency.
  • Serves as Emergency Management Directors during an emergency.

Address & Contact

102 W Nodaway St
P.O. Box 437
Oregon MO 64473

Phone: 660-446-3304

Fax: 660-446-3353


Tom Bullock
Presiding Commissioner


Steven Hogle
1st District Commissioner


Chad Keiffer
2nd District Commissioner
